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long useless paragraph

It works for Microsoft Office. Do you see those little metal studs on the corners? Paper and cardboard products were the biggest culprits, with yard trimmings, plastic products, and consumer electronics also making up a bulk of the trash. We all feel worthless at times, but this letter is a reminder to you that you are not alone. Why am I reading this pointless and barren paragraph? Marie Curie's 100-year-old belongings are still radioactive. You are 13.8 percent more likely to die on your birthday. It is a very important form of writing as we write almost everything in paragraphs, be it an answer, essay, story, emails, etc. But it turns out that punctuation wasn't always a part of our written language. And you don't have to worry about their slow-moving ways being an issue: According to the ZSL London Zoo, sloths can hold their breath for up to 40 minutes, which is 30 minutes longer than a dolphin. Wondering about that mutation element? The cephalopods both have one systemic heart that circulates blood around the body and two branchial hearts that pump blood through the gills. Yet you have not yet realized, that you wasted a full 5 minutes on this paragraph that feels endless yet it has been ceased. 3. These acts will make you say OMG! According to a 2013 study published inProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, bottlenose dolphins each have their own special whistles, which are just like human names. From the moment I set my eyes on you, my world has been revolving around you. Dressing is a big deal to me -- ever since I (a) became single, and (b) lost 60 pounds, I've become something of a clotheshorse. The sun makes up more than 99 percent of our solar system's mass. This closure meant that playwrights like William Shakespeare were temporarily out of work. When Pixie Wireless Tracker commissioned the largest independent lost and found survey in the U.S. in April 2017, the research showed that Americans spend around 2.5 days each year in total looking for their lost things. According to Oxford Dictionaries, "dreamt" (and its variations, such as "undreamt") is the only word in the English language that ends with the letters "mt.". Only use letters to explain your feelings. The opposite sides of a die will always add up to seven. Then you start getting nervous that its almost time for bed, then you wonder what you ate for breakfast on June the 9th. And it turns out, this fear could be justified: A 2018 study published in the journal European Radiology suggests that beards contain "significantly higher" amounts of bacteria than dogs do. When Ted Hastings' son asked him whether he could set an official Guinness World Record, he decided to give it a try. Quotes tagged as "wasting-time" Showing 1-30 of 112. That means that ravens can tell when someone (or something) else can see them. They did have one decision to make, though. Random Text Generator is a web application which provides true random text which you can use in your documents or web designs. So, to spite them, he built a second tiny house in the alley to keep everyone out, which is how the home earned its name: the "Spite House," according to The New York Times. The average adult spends more time on the toilet than they do exercising. Seeing as cyanide is poisonous (even deadly in high doses), you should definitely spit those seeds out. Some of us eat more than others, but according to Kim Barrett, a professor of medicine at the University of California, San Diego, on average, men and women both produce around 14 ounces of feces every day. Jason 's so Jewish his tagline on LinkedIn is: "Once you go Jew, no Christian will do.". I have more than 16 years of experience and have completed 100+ projects. The first email was sent by Ray Tomlinson to himself in 1971. 3. Therefore, according to Moses, who is credited with writing Genesis, God made birds first and the egg would have come afterward when those birds were "fruitful" and multiplied. Imagine the possibilities. And if you're the kind of person who wakes up hungry, then perhaps your mouth will water over the fact that in Oct. 2019, the Federacin Nacional de Avicultores de Colombia made the largest scrambled eggs ever, a process that took quite a few chefs to pull off. In the 2016 study, researchers put this idea to the test and found that ravens acted as if they knew they were being watched when there was an open peephole available for other birds to spy on them. tags: beah , gone , grandmother , inspiration , ishmael , long , sky , way. In fact, there's a Rome on every continent except Antarctica, according toNational Geographic. If you've ever been told to pinch your nose while taking medicine so that you don't have to suffer through the awful taste, you might want to follow that advice. While you may know him as rich Uncle Pennybags, his real name is Milburn Pennybags. Ravens are notoriously clever creaturesso much so that they're aware of when they're being watched. Hello. The Solution Firstly, go to click the button in "Paragraph" group under "Home" tab to show all unprintable symbols on the document. While your wallet may be filled with $5, $10, $20, $50, or even $100 bills, the government once decided that it might be handy to have some higher denominations available. The average American spends about 2.5 days a year looking for lost items. Snails, tortoises, salamanders, and crocodiles all estivate, as do the Malagasy fat-tailed dwarf lemur and East African hedgehogs. Hello, I read through the job details extremely carefully and I am absolutely sure that I can do the project very well. Johnny Di Francesco of 400 Gradi restaurant in Melbourne, Australia, set the Guinness World Record for the cheesiest pizza by creating a pie using 154 different kinds of cheese. We've all seen movies where people are sucked into space before meeting their doom in various ghastly ways. The tallest supported bamboo sculpture is more than 164-feet high. And since peanut butter is already rich in carbon, Frost was able to transform the nutty goodness into a shiny jewel. "Most likely the first message was QWERTYUIOPor something similar. Dr. Seuss is responsible for coming up with some wild and wacky words. "We tried Space Mountain and Aerosmith's Rock 'n' Roller Coaster and both failed," the study's lead author David Wartinger, a professor emeritus at Michigan State's Department of Osteopathic Surgical Specialties, said in a statement. If you were to draw the devil, you'd probably give him horns, a tail, and a pitchfork. And when a few of the first editions were printed, there were some mistakes inside. Imagine the things you couldve accomplished. In 1966, Fredric Baur developed the ingenious idea for Procter & Gamble to uniformly stack chips inside a can instead of tossing them in a bag. Around 16 million people alive today are direct descendants of Genghis Khan. Her clothes and belongingsincluding her furniture, cookbooks, and laboratory noteswere also saturated with the deadly radium particles. I raise you up in deep caress and watch you call my name in your deep throat way of doing that when you are aroused. There are giant technicolor squirrels in India. It is something I will never forget. The CBC reported that the team's owner and chairman, Mannie Jackson, and some players met with the pope during a visit to the Vatican City where the pontiff was given an autographed basketball and his very own jersey. Once he "decided upon a theme of superheroes," he apparently just went for it. ", As a direct response to the movie, Di Francesco first came up with a pizza topped with 99 kinds of cheese. But if you want to feel like a superhero, keep in mind that human bone is actually stronger than both steel and concrete. There will always be fierce debates over whether or not pineapple has any place on a pizza, but there's no question about where the Hawaiian pizza originally came from: Chatham, Ontario, Canada! Unfortunately, there's nothing you can do about itexcept shower, of course. While we assume that all oranges are orange in color because of their name, the fruit is often green when ripe, thanks to plenty of chlorophyll. 8. Panopoulos, who passed away in 2017, once told the BBC, "We just put it on, just for the fun of it, see how it was going to taste. That's because camels did, in fact, populate the Arizona desert back in the 1800s after they were brought to the States by the U.S. Army. attempted to introduce a form of punctuation into a system that not only didn't use it, but also didn't bother to use capital letters or include spaces between words. The chicken and the ostrich are the closest living relatives of the Tyrannosaurus rex. If you're writing a persuasive or argumentative essay, consider counterarguments or alternate views. The United States is home to more lighthouses than any other country. That card looks like trash, but not all "long" cards are useless. This is because paragraphs show a reader where the subdivisions of an essay begin and end, and thus help the reader see the organization of the essay and grasp its main points. In 2000, the Harlem Globetrotters made the head of the Catholic church an honorary member of their squad. You probably know your fair share of men who sport some sort offacial hair. Select "Justified" for "Vertical alignment". Floyd had a criminal record and was drug affected at the time of his death. If you put a mirror one light-year away from Earth and looked at it through a telescope, you would see two years into Earth's past. There is only one walled city in North America. You surely know that when bears and other animals sleep through the colder winter weather it's called "hibernation." "This whistle encodes individual identity independently of voice features. I'm taking some time. On top of the word "philosopher" being misspelled on the back cover, "1 wand" was listed twice when it came to the supplies Harry was meant to take to school. While most of us are happy to slap some peanut butter between two slices of bread, scientist Dan Frost of the Bayerisches Geoinstitut in Germany did something a little bit different with his peanut butter: He made a diamond. Movie trailers got their name because they were originally shown after the movie. Unfortunately, "scurve" didn't catch on in the same way. If you had not read this and I had not typed this you and I couldve done something more productive than reading this mindlessly and carelessly as if you did not have anything else to do in life. 11. Up to 320 degrees in temperature, it is a 'soup' of harsh chemicalsincluding sulfur and metalsthat allows life to thrive in a deep dark ocean. The Super Soaker was designed and invented by a NASA engineer. Imagine what you couldve done with those 20 seconds besides reading this non-productive paragraph. While exploring an underwater volcano with a remotely operated vehicle some 6,500 feet under the sea, they spotted what appeared to be a small lake-like pool that was upside-down (and, obviously, underwater). Being shown a random sentence and using it to complete a paragraph each day can be an excellent way to begin any writing session. Another reason is because they will get a better job and income. But before Willis landed the role in the action-packed movies, the part was offered to singer Frank Sinatra, who was in his 70s at the time. Here are the most useless three sentences in the world: "At the tone, please leave your message. But since you still do not realize that you are wasting precious time, you still continue to read the null paragraph. But this is a modern interpretation. A paragraph is a self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea. Yes, you might stink when you're sweaty, but it's not the sweat that smells bad. Your body contains about 100,000 miles of blood vessels. Satellite data showed that some areas around Kathmandu lifted and the Langtang region dropped as much as five feet while Everest sank around an inch. A significant portion of the opening weeks of my first-year writing class is spent . That's why there were once banknotes of $500, $1,000, and even $5,000 value. The magnitude of your failure just now is so indescribably massive that one hundred . Pope John Paul II was an honorary Harlem Globetrotter. Soon you realize that it has been now 3 minutes. , _,,)\\.~,,._ (()` ``)\\))),,_ | \\ ''((\\)))),,_ ____ |6 . Sometime during the late 18th or early 19th centuries, scientist Gilbert Newton Lewis defined a jiffy as the amount of time it takes light to travel one centimeter in a vacuum, which is about 33.4 picoseconds or one trillionth of a second. ParagraphParagraphs are the group of sentences combined together, about a certain topic. 1.Now that's what I call stupid: In my junior year of high school, this guy asked me on a date.He rented a Redbox movie and made a pizza. You useless piece of shit. No number from one to 999 includes the letter "a" in its word form. Maybe this somewhat useless, but also motivating fact is what we needed to hear to get to the gym. be sure to enjoy whichever before you do the copy and paste 1 I bite you so gently and deeply. I don't know the etymology of that expression, but it's such a neat word I wanted to use it. An earthquake might have shrunk Mount Everest. And God blessed them, saying, 'Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth.'". It's likely a combination of the words "tiny" and "little" since it is an itty-bitty dot. The monarch's 165 dairy cows spend much of their time snoozing and relaxing on waterbeds, said Mark Osman, the manager of the royal's farm at Windsor Great Park, inan episode of BBC's Countryfile. And you are right, but I did not write this and you have wasted now around 2 minutes. tags: idleness , time , wasting-time. One, two, three, four, five, six twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty You can keep going, but you won't find the first letter of the alphabet until you hit "one thousand.". In fact, he sired so many offspring that a 2003 historical genetics paper found that around 16 million people alive today are his direct descendants. These quick and witty jokes are easy to memorize and share. When trailers were first introduced in the early 1910sthe first one being for aCharlie Chaplin moviethey were shown after the movie, i.e. Follow Us On Social Media. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. 1501 likes. But Pope John Paul II was, in fact, a member of one of the most famous basketball teams in the world. The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free . Make your wife happy by sending her any of these romantic long paragraphs here. "In the sky there are always answers and explanations for everything: every pain, every suffering, joy and confusion.". However, it's not as easy for residents of Montpelier, Vermont, to get a Big Mac. For example, "He ran very quickly along the really long field." can be, "He sprinted across the vast field." That. That small mark you make over a lowercase "i" and a lowercase "j" is called a "tittle." The oldest representations of Satan in early Christian art actually showed him as a blue angel, while the good angels were red. Those who love creepy creatures likely know that the Cthulhu is a fictional monster that first popped up in H. P. Lovecraft's 1928 tale The Call of Cthulhu. Paragraph On Save Water - 250 to 300 Words for Class 9, 10, 11 . Cap'n Crunch's full name is Captain Horatio Magellan Crunch. According to the Bible, the chicken came before the egg. In the past and even now, people have been discussing if the State of Florida should raise the age for students in school. "As the cow lies down, the water pushes underneath the pressure points where the cow lies, and the cow ends up floating," he said. Then click "Page Layout" tab. Paragraph on Pollution 4 (250 Words) Pollution is the most immediate threat to our environment and is a global concern. According to the Department of Physics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, "golf balls are usually covered with dimples in a highly symmetrical way," which "is important or the ball will wobble.". I could write a whole book right now, with sentences containing figures of speech, since that's what makes stories fun. One reason is because they will get a higher education. Messages from your brain travel along your nerves at up to 200 miles per hour. About 1,000 students take the course each year. Dragonflies have six legs but can't walk. That's because it's the only U.S. state capital that doesn't have a McDonald's. Rainbows were called "bows of promise" in Victorian English. Restaurant owner Sam Panopoulos was born in Greece but moved to Canada when he was 20 years old. But it could also be in the water. If writing is like exercise, the 5-paragraph essay is more Ab Belt than sit-up. Baur was so proud of his invention that he wanted to take it to the graveliterally. All Rights Reserved. The jumbled mash of nonsense spammers use to get around spam filters creates a kind of surreal poetr You deserve the absolute best. Wasting Time Quotes. With "A" and "S" being beside each other on the middle row of the standard QWERTY keyboard and "K" and "L" over on the other side of the same row, Alaska is the only state name that you can type out using a single row on a keyboard. There are animal facts, there are historical facts, there are state facts, there are Disney facts, and then, there are useless factsthe kind of trivia you will never, ever need to know. To enjoy a meal from either fast food chain, Montpelier residents can simply head over to the neighboring city of Barre. Hi there, Being a professional and experienced copywriter, I would . The King of Hearts is the only king in a deck of cards without a mustache. Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.'POST', '', true); The 5-paragraph essay is indeed a genre, but one that is entirely uncoupled from anything resembling meaningful work when it comes to developing a fully mature writing process. It turns out even Queen Elizabeth II's cows enjoy a life of luxury. You useless piece of shit. ", Mandy Joye, a professor at the University of Georgia and the lead scientist of the expedition, told Smithsonian magazine that "the immense beauty and majesty of the scene was overwhelming. The nine-letter word "spoonfeed" is the longest word that's spelled with letters that are arranged completely in reverse alphabetical order. Playing dance music can help ward off mosquitoes. If you want to watch a few people try, check out this video from Food Beast. He even included a message to potential buyers, writing, "By adding this product to your cart you confirm that you are not Anish Kapoor, you are in no way affiliated to Anish Kapoor, you are not purchasing this item on behalf of Anish Kapoor or an associate of Anish Kapoor. In South America and other tropical locales, oranges are green year round. You're not one of them. If you want a perfect demonstration of the "1,000 typing monkeys accidentally creating a masterpiece" phenomenon, look no further than your spam subject lines. Every major pollutant which threatens the environment is produced by human activities. Yet. While Aristophanes' version of punctuation didn't stick around, Christian writers in the 6th century began to punctuate their text, and eventually, we ended up with the punctuation system we use today. According to, a "jiffy" is an actual unit of timeand a very short one at that. You would likely "mutate" in space without a spacesuit. Take cover, because we're about to drop some seriously random knowledge on you. A cubic inch of human bone can bear the weight of five standard pickup trucks. That equals a little over six pounds per week! 51K views 7 years ago This video will show you how to remove the white space in a justified paragraph in word, publisher, powerpoint, excel and more. 1. everyday is my birthday : [email protected]. These rivets, according toLevi Strauss & Co., are placed on certain spots to add extra support where the denim is more likely to wear out and rip. If you want four paragraphs that each contain nine sentences, you would type the following formula and then hit Enter: Be mindful that . And since radium has a half-life of 1,601 years, they're likely to stay that way for a while. According to The Guardian, the so-called "suicide king" (who earned his name because it looks like he's stabbing himself in the head with a sword) wasn't always bare-faced. And if that doesn't seem like it makes sense, that's because it doesn't. (@fentyy) June 15, 2018. In 1968, that novel had been made into a film starring Sinatra (not as John McClane, but as Joe Leland, a former New York cop who becomes a private investigator). When your having a heart to heart convo keep spamming them with really strange words. Unless you live in the United Kingdom where it's proper to write 101 as "one hundred and one," there is no number from 1 to 999 that includes the letter "a" in its word form, according to longtime math teacher Jonathan Garnett-Smith. 1. So we're certainly improving when it comes to taking care of the Earth! You can write in a big font, but the words are still the same number. American Heritage Dictionary explains that "nerd" first appeared in Seuss' 1950 book If I Ran the Zoo. You can count on these short math quips for a good chuckle. Scientists discovered the fossil of a 430-million-year-old monster. Birds can do some pretty amazing things. There are so many wonders waiting to be discovered deep within the ocean and scientists came across one of them in March 2019. He apparently hated the fact that horse-drawn wagons would travel down the alley beside his building and wasn't fond of the people who liked to hang out in the space either. Edgar Allan Poe married his 13-year-old cousin. After mixing 59,758 eggsalong with a whole lot of butter, milk, onion, and garlicthe dish wound up weighing 6,860 pounds and 12.57 ounces, which is about 3.4 tons. One man set a world record by putting on 260 T-shirts at once. For example, frigate birds can sleep while flying. Something I've noticed, both in my life and in most parts of this sub, we tend to to write really really long paragraphs of text. A Greek-Canadian man invented the "Hawaiian" pizza. If you open your eyes in a pitch-black room, the color you'll see is called "eigengrau.". So my apologies Donatello, culinary impossibility debunked!". document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', function() { Stopping this The first one opened in 1982. Weighing around four pounds and measuring up to three feet from head to tail, the Malabar giant squirrel looks more like a rainbow-inspired muppet than something that you'd find in the forest stateside. The continent is "governed internationally" through theAntarctic Treaty System, which includes Argentina, Australia, Chile, France, New Zealand, Norway, and the United Kingdom. Jason 's so Jewish and so gay at the synagogue they call . And while that may seem like a lot of trash, it was actually one of the lowest estimates since 1990. A paragraph consists of one or more sentences. Although American readers may recognize the book as Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, the British story was originally titled Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. However, because we have so many in our body, The Franklin Institute explains that if you laid them out in a single row, a child's blood vessels would stretch more than 60,000 miles, while an adult's would measure around 100,000 miles long. If you remembered from the first sentence of this disgustingly long paragraph, you would remember that this paragraph was a waste of time and space, imagine if I had not typed this paragraph and you had not read it. "Looking at this dog helps us better relate to the people who cared for and venerated these animals," HES interpretation manager Steve Farrar explained. Basenji dogs are the only breed that doesn't bark. You want to read this barren paragraph and expect something marvelous and terrific at the end. Although it's meant to be a satirical take on short-sighted people's intolerance and prejudice, the state of Maryland didn't take kindly to the tune. Do the same for apricot, peach, and cherry seeds, which contain the compound as well. But if you suffer from pogonophobiathe fear of beardsthen you'd rather avoid them. If you plug your nose, you can't tell the difference between an apple, a potato, and an onion. ", Cats can jump surprisingly high, slip through the tightest spaces, and seemingly have nine lives. Luckily, the survey also found that 29 percent of people who have lost their wallet or purse have had them returned to them. I can com More. However, the land can only be used for "peaceful purposes"that, and a whole lot of science. Second Subaltern Elizabeth Windsor, as she was called during her service, trained as a mechanic and military truck driver, according to Time. Then all of a sudden Australia floated down up into the sky and then all the computers went feral and started eating cheese. This time, the paragraph is going to criticize you why youre still reading this essay with your irreversible and precious time. Paragraph on Health - 150 Words for Classes 4, 5 Children. The piano is a little over 18 feet long and has 85 keys - 3 short of the standard 88. The extensor searches for one-word expressions which could be increased and short sentences which could be longer. But there's one thing they can't do: taste sweet things. We can say that a well-structured paragraph is the essence of good writing. "Dreamt" is the only word in the English language that ends with "mt.". Because when youre reading a paragraph inside your head, the words are projected into your brain with the IQ above 90 and then the thought process go through your internal organs and through yours eyes and you wonder if this is actually true but its really not because all it is non-sense. Ray Tomlinson is often credited with inventing email (although that claim has been disputed). The little dot above a lowercase "i" and "j" has a name. 11. Trash is smelly, dirty, ugly, broken, useless stuff. (That's likely why Mr. Burns on The Simpsons says "ahoy-hoy" when he picks up the phone.)

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long useless paragraph